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Introducing Formengine - The New Formbuilder, try for FREE

Get Started

Before getting started, we strongly recommend that you have a look at a brief description of the system architecture here.

DWKit can be deployed on Windows, Linux and macOS.

It supports databases: MS SQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle.

Three ways for launch DWKit:

  1. Starting a DWKit-based project
  2. Starting a DWKit-based project with existing DB server
  3. I'm a developer, I would like to write a code in IDE

Additional options:

1. Starting a DWKit-based project (Docker)

  1. Install Docker (Docker CE for Windows, Linux instruction).

  2. Download the StarterPack or one of the examples from the Download page.

  3. Unpack the archive and read readme.txt file.

  4. Run the startascontainer script:

    • For Windows: startascontainer.bat

    • For Linux/macOS:

      chmod +x docker-files/
      chmod +x

      This script build this DWKit's solution and run it with PostgreSQL database.

  5. Open the following url in your browser: http://localhost:48800.

    To access the application, use the following default access parameters:

    • Login: admin
    • Password: 1
  6. Use http://localhost:48800/admin for access to admin panel.

Next steps

2. Starting a DWKit-based project

  1. Install .NET 6.0.

  2. Set up a database for DWKit or use exist. You need to run scripts from sql folder. Find names of the scripts in sql/<type of DB>/readme.txt file.

  3. Check the connection string to the database in the config.cfg file.

    MS SQL Server example:

    ConnectionString=Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=dwkit;Integrated Security=False;User ID=sa;Password=1

    PostgreSQL example:

    ConnectionString=User ID=postgres;Password=1;Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=dwkit;
  4. Run the starter script:

    • For Windows: start.bat
    • For Linux/macOS:
      chmod +x
  5. Open the following url in your browser: http://localhost:48800.

    To access the application, use the following default access parameters:

    • Login: admin
    • Password: 1
  6. Use http://localhost:48800/admin for access to admin panel.

Next steps

3. How to build and run from source codes

Install .NET 6.0.

  • For Windows: run buildandstart.bat

  • For Linux/macOS:

    chmod +x
    chmod +x

How to update your solution based on DWKit

  1. Run updatesolution script (it requires PowerShell):
  • For Windows: run updatesolution_run.bat
  • For Linux/macOS:
    pwsh updatesolution.ps1
  1. Enter the path to your application.
  2. Don't forget update database if it's necessary.
  3. Rebuild your solution.